• Eliminate the liability of leaked or stolen personal data of salvaged, traded, sold, or auctioned vehicles stored at client locations where liability coverage is provided

  • Provide clients (Dealerships/ Auctions/ etc) with an simple and inexpensive solution (possibly a revenue source) to meet .... the growing need for securing personal identification information stored in vehicles.


Limit liability (Client protection-individuals and/or dealerships)


of vehicles
and newer store personal identification information
of vehicles
and newer store personal identification information

It's all about the three C's: Complexity, Connectivity and Content. We are currently witnessing a rapid increase in the digital complexity of vehicles:


The lines of code (software) in a typical vehicle now surpass 100 million compared to 8 million for an F-35 fighter jet

Electronic Control Units (ECUs or automotive computers) continue to proliferate to more than 100 in popular models and 150+ in high-end vehicles

There can be as many as seven networks in a typical vehicle


The connectivity of vehicles, especially with the Internet, has dramatically extended their communication reach both incoming and outgoing. Cars and trucks now talk with street signs and cellular phone networks, and download infotainment on demand.


The connected car hordes content like a personal computer on steroids. It collects and communicates vast volumes of information at a rate of more than 25GB per hour. Among all this content is megabytes of personally identifiable information (PII) and other confidential data that are increasingly stored and collected within the vehicle and communicated externally.

Because of the three C's, the PII threat of the connected car is growing at such a pace that automotive software apps operating in the vehicle are now subject to similar types of threats that disrupt home and business computers and networks.


Every year vehicles are storing more personalized identification information (GPS locations, home location, address books, text messages, email settings, garage door electronic codes, and phone numbers)

Clients individual identification data is at risk

Extraction of this information does NOT require: passwords, identification checks, or experience "hacking" skills.

What separates
Pii Auto from
the competition:

Assumption of liability with the proper completion of the Pii Auto app

"Time Stamped" proof of process completion of app process including digital imaging


The PiiAuto app provides the industry's largest fastest growing vehicle factory reset database in the market, providing clients a cost effective means to remove sensitive private information stored on vehicles, and track that process with digitally time stamped proof of process completion.